Thursday, January 12, 2012

Plastic affair

China seems to have an affinity with plastic. Lemons for sale pictured here in the supermarket are wrapped in individual plastic bags, as are the mandarins behind them. Pomelos, currently in season, are also usually wrapped in plastic. Apples often have a soft plastic netting around them. To buy the fruit you must put it all in another plastic bag (as we do back home) and have it weighed and priced. It is then paid for at the cash register and put into another plastic bag to take home. Thats three layers! Another good example is toilet rolls. Each individual roll is packaged in its own plastic, then the pack of say 10 is wrapped in plastic to hold them all together.

But in a step towards reducing dependency, shops in Shanghai are required by law to charge for plastic bags at the check-out. It's very common to see people packing their groceries into their own bags brought from home.

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