Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Underground trains

Zara is silhouetted by the Shanghai metro / underground train network map. Tanja catches the metro to and from work every day. The kids and I use it to get to and from school and ballet (though this may change next week as we hope to have our car by then). Most places we go costs 5 yuan, or 80 cents, and the kids both travel free. There are 11 different lines to catch, covering more than 420kms. Surprising to me, the Shanghai network is longer and busier than the London Underground, and has a handful more stations. Shanghai has the fourth busiest metro in the world. Tokyo, Moscow and Seoul take the top 3 spots, with London coming in at an unexpected 11th.

The train system is uber-efficient too. Shanghai is bigger, population wise, than Delhi and Bangkok yet does not have near as many traffic problems.

Zara is roughly pointing to the area where we live, on Line 2, west of the city centre - though not as far out as she is pointing.

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