Monday, May 14, 2012

Max kindy report card 14 May 2012

Welcome back Max!  We all missed your smiles.  Max has been having some tears during drop off and after lunch but this is very normal with the change in routine after a long break.  He enjoys playing for most of the day with his friends and he had no problem remembering people's names or our circle time songs.  Great job!  We had a surprise visitor when a little bird flew into the classroom on Monday!  Ms. Sheri was able to catch it and give everyone a peek before we released it outside.  We celebrated two birthdays this week!  Nolan and Aishi both turned two and brought in special treats to share with their friends.  Everyone loved Nolan's panda bear cake and Aishi's fish cake!   
During outside play we brought out the bubbles and everyone enjoyed chasing them around.  The children loved how each one was different sizes and colors. 
With the warmer temperature here to stay we have been talking about the weather and things in the sky. During art we created our suns and clouds.  We also celebrated our mom's by creating a mother's day project and during circle time we practiced saying 'happy mother's day.'  Everyone was very excited to have a small gift to give to their mom!  We hope every mom enjoyed their special day with their family! 

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