Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weather update and dumplings

The past week or so we have noticed Shanghai start to cool down.  Summer is well and truly behind us and winter not too far away.  So the in-between is autumn, with mild sunny days, with a hint of wind by afternoon.  Today's temperature has hovered around 22 degrees - perfect weather for getting out and about on Shanghai streets.  With this in mind, I've decided to buy a bicycle.  Not a hardcore road racing bike or a rugged heavy mountain bike, but just a simple and inexpensive street bike.  The models I have seen come with a wire basket at the front, simple rim brakes and a sprung (read: comfy) seat.  Shanghai is totally flat, so there's really no need for gears and the roads are fairly busy, so no need whatsoever for speed.  I visited an outlet of Giant Bicycles today but had no luck - the sales guy had no sales skills, and even though he spoke a little English, it seemed that he wasn't at all interested in doing business with a non-mandarin speaking foreigner.  Maybe I approached it wrongly. I'll give it another go tomorrow at another store.  Slightly inconvenienced though as I completely expected to ride out of the store on a bike, and had come prepared with the bolt-on baby seat for the back - with the intention of picking Max up from kindy at 12 noon.  So instead of riding away, I carried the babyseat in my hand and walked the 2km or so from the bike store to the kindergarten.  On the way, I passed a little shop selling steaming, hot dumplings - not the small dim sum variety wrapped in thin, almost transparent casing, but the big fluffy white variety - almost bready in texture.  At 1 yuan per piece (about 15 cents) it was too good to pass up.  I asked for one with pork meat in it and it was simply delicious.  Standing in the mid-morning sun, burning my tongue on something akin to a Chinese version of a Brumby's meat pie, life seemed pretty good.  Apart from the wretched heavy baby seat on my left arm.

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