Thursday, September 22, 2011

Big building

Last week-end we ventured up the Shanghai World Financial Centre, the tallest building in Shanghai, and currently the seventh tallest building in the world.  It's iconic in design and known around town as the 'giant bottle opener' because of its shape and the trapezodial hole in the top.  The building currently holds the record for having the highest observation deck in the world, on the 100th floor.  Aside from being dizzyingly high, parts of the observation deck are glass floored, meaning you look stand and look straight down to the street, 100 floors below.  I don't have many photos to share and neither does Tanja.  We were both a little ill.  The two pictures above are taken from the internet.  The three below were taken by me shortly before having to scamper back to the lift and retire to the ground floor gift shop.

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