Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cool security guard

Lap of luxury? This guy works in his glass enclosed guard hut, made all the more comfortable by the wall-mounted split system air conditioner. You can even see the compressor unit at the back. Decadent.

The irony in all this? This was taken outside the State Grid building in Nanjing - the government organisation responsible for electricity distribution.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


In Suzhou last week I came across a man selling marble hand-carved stamps. They were essentially polished marble about the size of a medicine bottle and he used a sharp point to etch out on the bottom. I got him to carve a pair for Max and Zara - it has their names in English as well as Chinese characters. Watching him work - digging out the marble bit by bit - was amazing. I should post a photo of the finished product. More amazing was that it was all done for about $8 a stamp.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nut feast

Max and Zara pulled out the macadamia cracker on Saturday and chowed down on some of Grandad's macadamias while colouring in.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


This actually happened today when we had stopped to eat some soft serve frozen yoghurt. The kids sat down on the step to eat their sweet treat and within a matter of seconds there was a frenzy of clicking cameras. The kids didn't even look up though - the yoghurt tastes that good.

Eating it really brings back childhood memories of delicious creamy, tangy soft serve frozen yoghurt at Oxford Pantry.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


At the risk of sounding boring, I do feel it is necessary to mention how spectacular the weather has been in Shanghai the last week or so. Temps around mid 20s and beautiful blue skies. Perfect for bike riding, walking and exploring. All of which I have been doing.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chinese eggs

Yesterday I bought organic eggs for the first time in China. They weren't that much more expensive than regular eggs. I am told, though, that China lacks legislation that governing organic food standards - meaning that anyone could label their goods "organic" without having to comply with a regulator's guidelines. Nevertheless organic eggs it was for us. When I opened them at home I was surprised to find them individually wrapped in a layer of styrofoam - not unlike a precious ornament. As for the taste it was hard to tell as the first one went into a batch of pikelet batter.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mongolia Adventure

Some photos of our trip to Mongolia - click here.  Make sure to click on the first picture to display a larger version - then you can use the arrows on the keyboard to move to the next photo.